Harry Brandle – SEABEES 1969-71

Harry Brandle – SEABEES 1969-71

Harry Brandle grew up in Jackson Hight Queens, NY.  Harry was always into cars growing up, so he decided to join the SEABEES as an automotive mechanic.  While stationed at NAS Miramar on Dec 22, 1969, Harry witnessed a F8 Crusader jet smashing into a hangar, killing 11 men and injuring 14 others as it exploded in a ball of fire.  Harry did all he could to rescue those in the hanger.  50 years later they still visit him in their dreams.

In 1970 Harry was deployed to Veitnam and served in Nha-Trang with INWG-1 (Inshore Undersea Warfare Group) Unit-4.  Harry eventually became a Naval Advisor and oversaw everything from fixing trucks and welding docks to procurement of good needed to keep the base running.  Harry had an incredible about of photographs and home movies that document his time with the SEABEES.